Getting started


This getting started guide as well as the basic_webshop demonstration project are well outdated and probably very much broken by now.

Any supplements to the documentation are much welcomed!

  1. Install the app basic_webshop in your environment using PIP (better make sure you’re working in a virtual environment):

    pip install -e git://
  2. Enable the basic_webshop application in INSTALLED_APPS in

  3. Import the webshop settings from basic_webshop in

    from basic_webshop.django_settings import *

    Or add the settings manually:

    SHOPKIT_CUSTOMER_MODEL = 'basic_webshop.Customer'
    SHOPKIT_PRODUCT_MODEL = 'basic_webshop.Product'
    SHOPKIT_CART_MODEL = 'basic_webshop.Cart'
    SHOPKIT_CARTITEM_MODEL = 'basic_webshop.CartItem'
    SHOPKIT_ORDER_MODEL = 'basic_webshop.Order'
    SHOPKIT_ORDERITEM_MODEL = 'basic_webshop.OrderItem'
    SHOPKIT_CATEGORY_MODEL = 'basic_webshop.Category'
  4. Now include the webshop URL’s in

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        (r'^shop/', include('basic_webshop.urls')),
  5. Update the database by running syncdb:

    ./ syncdb
  6. You now have a working basic webshop, start developing in the src directory in your environment. Make your own branch with:

    git checkout -b mywebshop

    And edit away! Whenever you want to update your own project with changes in the basic_webshop project, just do:

    git pull origin master
    git merge master